Install the framework.

You can install this framework in a system that supports Docker or standalone in a server with GNU/Linux Debian 10 preinstalled.

  • Docker Install.

    Docker is a containerization platform that allows developers to create, deploy, and run applications in a containerized environment. Docker is supported by a wide range of operating systems, including:

    1. Linux: Docker was initially developed for Linux and is primarily used on Linux-based operating systems. Docker can be installed on most modern Linux distributions, including Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, and CentOS.

    2. Windows: Docker also supports Windows operating systems, including Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 or later. However, the Windows implementation of Docker relies on Hyper-V virtualization technology, which can impact performance.

    3. macOS: Docker also supports macOS operating systems, including macOS Catalina and later versions. However, Docker for macOS runs on a lightweight virtual machine, which can impact performance.

    In addition to these operating systems, Docker also supports cloud-based platforms, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), which allow developers to deploy and manage Docker containers in the cloud.

    If you use Linux or macOS you should install this framework by executing the following commands after opening a root shell:

    cd [directory with desv2-1 contents untarred & ungzipped]

        cd desv2-1
        bash docker/
    #...wait for installation to complete...
        bash docker/

    This should start the Docker image previously created. You can unlock port 443 on your firewall for accesing your server from your LAN.

    Then open in a browser (better firefox or chrome or a chrome compatible) the url
    https://[ip or dns from server]

    If this shows DESv2 in your browser, you are done. Now you can continue in quick start or follow the entire documentation for learning to use DESv2.

    Remember that you should execute following commands for 2nd and following executions of the framework. a root commands shell console...

        cd desv2-1
        bash docker/

    This should start again web server https. Follow the previous procedure each restart.

    DATA ENTRY SYSTEM V2. Congrats. Install completed.

  • Standalone Dedicated Debian 10 Server.

    Debian is a popular Linux distribution that is widely used in server environments. It is a free and open-source operating system that is based on the Linux kernel and is known for its stability, security, and ease of use.

    As a system administrator who may not be familiar with Linux, it is important to understand some basic concepts of Debian. One of the key advantages of Debian is that it uses a package management system, which makes it easy to install and manage software on the system. The package manager, called apt, allows you to download and install software packages from official Debian repositories, which are maintained by the community. These repositories contain thousands of packages that cover a wide range of software applications and libraries, including web servers, databases, programming languages, and system utilities.

    Another important aspect of Debian is its use of the Linux kernel, which provides the foundation for the operating system. The kernel is responsible for managing system resources, such as memory, CPU, and input/output operations. It also provides support for hardware devices, such as network interfaces and storage devices.

    Debian is known for its stability and security, which makes it a popular choice for servers. The operating system undergoes extensive testing and quality assurance before new releases are made available, and security updates are regularly released to address any vulnerabilities that may be discovered.

    As a system administrator, it is important to become familiar with the basic command-line tools that are used to manage the system, such as the shell, file system, and networking utilities. You can also learn about the Debian installation process, system administration tasks, and how to troubleshoot common issues that may arise. Overall, Debian is a reliable and flexible operating system that is well-suited for server environments.

    First of all, as previously said, you should install Debian 10 on your server. With basic system options its ok.

    Then open a root command shell in your Debian System, bash its ok. Extract the tgz file in root home folder.

    Enter the following commands.

        cd desv2-1

    ...wait for installation to complete...
    ...when finished you should have an operative https server on port 443...

    If no errors in installation procedure, congrats, you are done. Each restart be sure to execute / script in server. This can be done by enabling rc.local and adding script there.

    DATA ENTRY SYSTEM V2. Congrats. Install completed.

Default username/password : monitor/monitor

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