This framework will help you in Data Entry and OCR Tasks.
With phisical paper or with scanned image of a predefined format.
It has a complete set of properties that will allow you to design Data Entry forms in a optimized way. The definition can be designed in minutes so you can start to enter or verify data in nearly half an hour or less.
DESv2 works in batches and is designed to be fast and for teams of workers in an enterprise context. Check server load with your team to assign resources to your server for optimal performance. For small teams, a light dual core will be enough to have a good working experience.
We can load CSV data in batches to edit or verify data too.
It works with Docker (multiplatform) or Debian dedicated server.
And its open source, so you can use it freely!!
I hope you have a good experience with this software. If in trouble, drop a line in forum and/or look documentation.